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  2 children drown in Sirajganj

Online Report : Two children drowned in a pond at Bilchatal village of Kazipur upazila in Sirajganj district on Friday afternoon.

The deceased were identified as Tonni, 8, daughter of Hafizur Rahman of Bilchatal village and Anika, 8, daughter of Hafizur Rahman`s sister. Both the victims were cousins.

According to locals, Tanni and Anika were playing on the sand piled up near their house. They could not be found since then. Later, locals found their bodies floating on the water of the pond next to the piled up sand and informed police.

Being informed, a team of police recovered the bodies from the spot, said Kazipur Police Station officer-in-charge Nur Alam.

Police were investigating the incident, the OC added.