(BSS) - National Idea Case Competition was held on the campus of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) for the first time aimed at flourishing talents, creativity and technological innovation among the engineering and computer science students.
KUET Carrier Club organized the competition titled "Walton Smart Fridge Presents BizBattle: Innovation In Tech" where 167 teams from 50 front-ranking universities in the country participated.
After securitizing in two phases, ten teams reached the final and the two-month competition began on November 14 and it ended through the grand finale at KUET auditorium on January 17.
In the grand finale ceremony, the participating teams present various ideas related to technology, environment, safety management, business, waste recycling and product development.
They also faced a volley of questions raised by the judges.
In the competition, three teams namely finixisier, wrong direction and civic clinched the first, second and third positions. KUET Vice-chancellor Prof Muhammad Masud, Pro-vice-chancellor Prof Sheikh Shariful Islam and Students Welfare Director Prof Muhammad Sultan Mahmud joined the closing and prize-giving ceremony.